Wednesday 26 November 2014

ART: Lisa Park – Eunoia

This is slightly different post that I’ll be blogging about. I found this amazing NY-based artist Lisa Park, who has been experimenting with a specialized device which is called NeuroSky EEG headset. It’s basically helps transforms brain activity into streams of data that manipulated for the purposes of research. And you probably wondering what Neuro Sky EGG headset is, she uses this to monitor the delta, theta, beta wave and alpha of her brains, as well as movements of the eyes and transforming the results data with a specialized software into sound waves. Which triggers the water to dance. Park spend months to perfect her experiment to balance her brain activity through her emotions (Happy, Love, Angry, Passionate and etc) during her meditation. Then transposes this energy onto 5 dishes of water to reveal zen-like vibrations.

This is almost like your favourite kung-fu movies or any types of sci-fi fantasy. And I always wanted to make the water dance with my brain. It’s such an amazing and wonder piece of art to make our emotions visible to the eyes it’s almost sound so poetic.  

Eunoia derived from greek which means ‘’Beautiful thoughts’’. You can clearly see why if you watch this video. (Bare in mind I don't own this video at all) 

Seems very incredible right? If power exist, what power would you take?


  1. I find this idea of transforming brainwaves into actual waves poetical and in some ways even artistic. I watched one documentrary about a department in one of Croatian hospitals that treats patients with extreme migrats...they try to teach them to mediate...they have this device that shows brain waves as water on a screen and the patients themselves try to make the water calmer on the screen, the water that reflects their brain activity...some find it helpful to try to relax themselves in this way.

    1. extreme migraines*
      sorry typo

    2. Yeah, It's very interesting and perhaps could help others. Lisa Park really moves me with this.

  2. This video really hits home for me. Thanks for sharing it. It is a pretty powerful video to remind us to stay positive.
    Bright Shiny Day

    1. You welcome, it is, i'm glad you like it! <3

  3. This video is not a shallow one but full of concept and it needed to be watched many times.

    I would like to invite you to my blog

    1. Yes! indeed. Thanks for dropping by and sure will visit :)

  4. You have a lovely blog !
    I love it ♥
    Would you like to follow each other on GFC or bloglovin ?
    Kisses from Poland !
    Oliwia ♥ ♥ ♥

    1. Thank you, and sure we can follow each other and support <3

  5. oooh interesting video, thanks for sharing! <3

    I have a new outfit post on my blog, would love to know your thoughts:


  6. Hi! Great post!
    I nominated you for the liebster award here:
    I hope you like to do it too xx

    1. Thank you for your nomination, finally made one <3
